Friday, February 26, 2010


It's funny looking back at life. Things that you felt were so big, looking back tend to be miniscule compared to the things you've done in present time. Remember when getting a girls phone number was the biggest thing you could do? I know I do, because I wasn't getting numbers during that stage. Also I lived in a very strict household, and tended to take everything my parents said too seriously. It probably comes from too many ass-whoopin's or growing up in the church. Commandments are scary. Anyway, I remember me, and my Best – Bud Will Smith had just recently graduated high school; well we were about a year into our freshman year at Morgan State. We happened to be catching the bus from his house to the mall. We caught the 3 Cromwell Bridge, and decided to transfer to the 55 to reach our destination Towson Town Center, because our regular 3 Sheppard Pratt never came. So here we are on the 55 bus-stop and 2 girls from our high-school walk-up. We were all giddy to see each other, I guess because we all had experiences outside of high school, and we felt like we were older now. The wind was beneath our wings, and all that typical bullshit. Realize that I'm telling this story from my point of view, because knowing Willie, he probably feels totally different about the situation. Here I am on the bus-stop with who I felt were two of the cutest girls at Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School, and I didn't even feel the need to put them on a pedestal, or anything. I still felt they were cute, possibly a little less than years before, but I felt inclined to have a real conversation with them, and not just look at them while they talked, and me virtually not having anything to say. We ended up catching the 55 to Towson, and we were geekin' the whole way there. We walked in the mall together, and eventually parted ways. I remember watching them walk away like I had just accomplished something. Funny right? I didn't even get the number, and I felt accomplished. But it wasn't about the number, it was about Self-esteem. It was about being able to feel like you were on the same level as someone else. Maybe it was because we were all on the Bus- stop, and not in some hooptie that it took us all summer to save up for that made me feel like I was on a leveled playing field, or maybe I had just grown up. I still find myself putting women on pedestals every now, and then. But it least now I aim a little higher with my expectations.

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